Race result
I've been pretty nervous about this race since a couple weeks ago I did not qualify for race 1 and had to watch the whole race from the stands. That shock gave me the motivation to push harder and try new things to get my time up.
It was pretty difficult to get to this point but on Friday I had a breakthrough! I fixed my body positioning and my riding line and jumped into 1:12 zone! Only going up from here.
Race day: Qualifers
A little nervous but excited for qualifiers. Just yesterday I put out my best time of 12.76 and was able to consistently get under 13 seconds, so I felt confident that everything would be alright.
I pushed and pushed slowly working my way up in time until I got a 12.3! Looked down at my lap timer and thought, now I can get a 11 second lap time "let's do this!".
Approached the first hairpin with more confidence, let go of the brake early and..... lowside!
I have a feeling my suspension bottomed out and I carried too much speed at the apex. Need to work on my suspension settings now that I can ride at this new pace.
So I had to replace some parts and build a new windscreen.

Key hard at work to fix things. We concentrating too much on fixing the bike that I forgot about the race briefing...... which came with a $50/¥5000 fine. Need to be careful next time because it is a pretty serious offence to miss the race briefing. In some cases they can disqualify you from the race....
Race day: Race
The race went well in my mind. I was able to maintain a good pace, have a close battle with another rider, and I finished safely. I know that my racing career is only moving up from here, and I learned a lot this weekend.
Thank you to my sponsors and to everyone who encouraged me and helped me get through this!